Friday, September 08, 2006

In a sunrise

Whatever beauty is in the breakdown cannot possibly compare to the beauty in a sunrise. There's something sweet and comfortable in the air here, filling one with the gladness of a dawning. Of a springtime. Of a beginning.

I find that I have a difficult time writing here. I sit down with every intention, and certainly enough material, of writing an entry and nothing comes out. Maybe it's atmospherically based. I need to settle before I can be enough at ease to make wonderful wonderful love to the english language. To channel it's sexiness and, contorted, plop it on the page you're reading. Like a literary funnel cake. Yeah. That's it.

Because of the aforementioned, my articles will likely be a little on the shorter side. I'm sure they will gradually progress to the massive size of one or two of my previous pieces.

College is awesome.

The group of friends I've made is incredible and the potential for further good friendmaking, especially in my First Year Seminar course, is virtually limitless. It's really amazing how fast crazy shit can happen. And seriously. I could never get the hang of Thursdays. But when everyone is there for each other, even having just met, it's gotta be a sign of great things to come.

I've had some class but not a lot of homework. This is both a boon and bane in that while I'm certainly glad I don't have any... I feel like I should. Oh. And I want my fucking textbooks already, bookstore. God.

So yeah.

Hello, Ramapo College of New Jersey. You beautiful ol' bastard, you.

Bomb the Blogosphere,

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