Sunday, February 24, 2008

Oh, poor sky

The past month and a half of my days have largely gone as follows: wake up way to early itching like a motherfucker, pop a prednisone and maybe a few tylenol, shower, overapply various creams, go to class, eat, go to class, return, go on the computer/play counterstrike/take a nap, eat, and wait for something to happen. Now, if something happens, it happens and I stumble back pretty early and awkwardly crawl into bed, lather, rinse, repeat. If nothing happens, I go on the computer for a while before popping two benadryl and counting the 45 minutes down before it knocks me out. Lather, rinse, repeat.

One of the shittiest things about both medication and allergic dermatitis is that they suck the libido and (as if "therefore") creative energy straight out of you.

I'm out of prednisone.

So then what's there to write about? I guess the aforementioned is as much an apology for having nothing to say as not saying it. But maybe it's time to stop apologizing. Everyone says the only way to beat writer's block is to write through it, even if it means pages of dribble, just... words. So I'm here. With nothing of value to say.

I'm on edge lately. Easily frustrated, anxious, worried, paranoid, socially awkward. Only small deviations from the norm but enough to be noticeable. I don't want to do things I should want to do, or that I used to want to do. I worry a lot about friendships. Futures.

Mom doesn't want to let me see an allergist.

Oscar Predications: (aka Who I would give the awards to)
Actor in a leading role: Daniel Day Lewis "There Will Be Blood"
Actor in a supporting role: Javier Bardem "No Country for Old Men"
Actress in a leading role: Ellen Page "Juno" (realistically: Julie Christie "Away From Her")
Actress in a supporting role: Cate Blanchett "I'm Not There"
Animated Feature Film: "Ratatoille"
Directing: Joel and Ethan Coen "No Country for Old Men"
Music (Score): "Atonement"
Best Picture: "There Will Be Blood"
Writing (Adapted): "No Country for Old Men"
Writing (Original): "The Savages"

You know, Rick and I are playing Female Friendly Funk on Thursday. It would be rad if you came.

don't cry on me
Are you gonna fall apart again?

My head plays it over and over.

Bomb the Blogosphere,