And another random thought. You say that you left Livejournal in order to start a-new, and leave your old high school world behind.
I watched Transamerica this weekend, and it really struck a cord with what you're saying. Sure its about a transgender woman, but its still highly relevant. Bree (formerly Stanley) had a son many years ago with a woman. The woman raised the son until she died; the son fled to NYC and then got picked up by the Juvenile police for shop lifting and drug possession. Bree is close to her therapist, and is trying to shed herself of Stanley's life so she can "transform" into Bree fully when she has her surgery in a week. When she gets a call from her son, she acts like he doesnt exist. She hangs up on him. Bree tells her therapist the story the next day, and the therapist says to her: Bree, you cannot leave this boy behind. You cannot just "see him" after your surgery and think its OK. Stanley's life is your life Bree. All his baggage, all his ordeals, and all his traumas are yours. You and Stanley are not two different people. I wont let you have this surgery until I know you're ready.
Bree goes and sees her son, which is the basis of the movie. In her incredible transformation, she grows, and I cry my fucking eyes out. But whatever the case may be, what you had in high school cannot be forgotten. Why? Because it defines and makes you. Without it, you are missing four crucial years of your life. Mike Stringer is not mike stringer without those four years.
And another random thought. You say that you left Livejournal in order to start a-new, and leave your old high school world behind.
I watched Transamerica this weekend, and it really struck a cord with what you're saying. Sure its about a transgender woman, but its still highly relevant. Bree (formerly Stanley) had a son many years ago with a woman. The woman raised the son until she died; the son fled to NYC and then got picked up by the Juvenile police for shop lifting and drug possession. Bree is close to her therapist, and is trying to shed herself of Stanley's life so she can "transform" into Bree fully when she has her surgery in a week. When she gets a call from her son, she acts like he doesnt exist. She hangs up on him. Bree tells her therapist the story the next day, and the therapist says to her:
Bree, you cannot leave this boy behind. You cannot just "see him" after your surgery and think its OK. Stanley's life is your life Bree. All his baggage, all his ordeals, and all his traumas are yours. You and Stanley are not two different people. I wont let you have this surgery until I know you're ready.
Bree goes and sees her son, which is the basis of the movie. In her incredible transformation, she grows, and I cry my fucking eyes out. But whatever the case may be, what you had in high school cannot be forgotten. Why? Because it defines and makes you. Without it, you are missing four crucial years of your life. Mike Stringer is not mike stringer without those four years.
Come back to Live Journal.
We miss you :)
Cutest damn video ever. I LOVE YOU!
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